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Expert Search

Discover tech experts & executives with alternative data & search

Search 100M Experts, Executives & Lawyers

Problem: As a recruiter or hiring manager, you have reached out to many potential candidates, but receive very few responses. This experience is painful, unfortunately very common and will probably get worse. In the meantime, many ideal candidates are eager to explore new opportunities but not on anyone’s radar.

Cause: Even though the job positions are different, recruiters are using the same database, same query as hundreds of other hiring managers and recruiters. No surprise, everyone will receive the same candidate list in the end and will have to compete with each other for the very same talents, who may not be great matches in the first place due to the way to search.

Solution: Expert Graph (1) uncovers severalfold more qualified candidates with alternative data; and (2) brings in alternative people search / review technologies that go beyond conventional skill matching based approaches.

Every Position is Unique

Most websites only have very basic info on each profile, and have to ask recruiters to use predefined skillset to search, resulting in the situation that hundreds of recruiters receive the same candidate list for different positions and have to compete with each other. This is one of the biggest pain points for recruiters and also the problem that we will address through alternative data & alternative search.

Alternative Data

Profiles of around 100M experts are created and integrated in our system. Such profiles are generated by our exclusive techniques from financial, business, product & tech data and updated in real-time. For tech experts, each profile contains every piece of published work the expert has ever done and has no dependencies on other social networks. Users can also read a summary of the notable work by each expert.

Search by “Technology”

Our exclusive natural language processing techniques can extract the technological semantics from text & discover related people, organizations, products. This enables us to go beyond conventional keyword matching, and provide a service to find related experts based on a short description of the goods or services that you are interested in.

Search by “Organization”

Recruiters may like to find talents within a specific company or from companies with a specific type of business. This is why we provide search by “organization” feature, which covers 3M organizations, including all major US companies, startups, research institutions and universities. One can choose to find these organizations by industry, business, service, goods, name, stock, etc.