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In-House Search

Look inside millions of organizations for experts, R&D activities, competitors, high-impact patents & products

Expert Graph Exclusive

Search/browse experts, R&D activities, competitors, high-impact patents & products within millions of organizations, including all major US companies, research institutions & universities.

Extensive Coverage

Users can search within >1M organizations, including all major US companies, research institutions and universities. We also cover 33M tech experts. All our data is updated in real-time.

Semantic Analysis

Our exclusive semantic analysis technique: word2tech goes beyond keyword matching by mapping natural language into 200K pre-defined semantic categories that machines understand.

Semantic Search

A powerful semantic search engine is provided to find target organizations based upon any of the following free text inputs: business, tech, goods, service, product, name, stock ticker.

In-house Search

Once the target organization is found, users can follow the i-Search link to start in-house search to find tech experts, R&D activities, competitors (by area), products and more.

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In-house Search (All Organizations)

Find organizations by business, tech, etc., and then search all experts and R&D.

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In-house Search (Public Companies)

Find public companies by industry / sector, and then search all experts and R&D.

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Commonly Used Functions

Browse an organization's executives